Yesterday met WanXin at queenstown mrt station at 2.30, slacked at there for awhile till sam reached den off to school. Had class till 4.30 or earlier, WanXin went off to meet up with her frens then Sam Drove Jax, KS and me over to Holland Village to eat katong laksa. Finished eating he drove us to batok mrt station. So Jax and KS went home, went in WestMall to walk 1 round and off to JP met Kam and Jerron. Lim Xuan joined Kam and me for 'Where Got Ghost'. After movie go pioneer coffee shop drink something and off to safra to meet GuiShan, Ben and Jon. After that had our breakfast and headed home.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Long time never update this dead blog already cause of the blogger problem and in class today someone say that my blog is dead so i shall give it a short update using html
Last week sch reopen and the days in school sucks! Class too big room too small and so on lazy to elaborate. Yesterday meet up with WanXin at Queenstown station at around 2pm and sam came over and drove us to school, Jax and KS were late. Had class till 5pm and off we go, Home Sweet Home.
Off to bed as i had fallen asleep 3 times on my computer desk=.=
Sunday, 2 August 2009
31st July Cabbed over to West Coast with Kam and Lim for BBQ, The fun begins once the clock strike 12am Birthday Boy, Berney, got owned:D slacked around at West Coast till morning and cabbed home with Shan, Heng and Kam.